Do you need furnace maintenance? Here are a few tips to DIY.

Determine your Furnace Type. In order to properly maintain your furnace, you will need to know what kind of furnace you own. Most furnaces in homes are natural gas, because they are the most efficient.

Air Filter Replacement. You should replace your filter every month or two There are many benefits of replacing your air filter. You will get increased fuel efficiency because a clean filter will produce better engine performance and more gas. For your safety, you should always have a carbon monoxide detector. When your furnace isn’t working properly, this is usually a quick and easy fix. You can determine if the filter needs to be cleaned by holding it up to the light to access for clogs.

Preventative Maintenance. Just like a car, you need to have your furnace serviced at least annually by a reputable company, to extend it’s lifespan. You should never wait until your furnace breaks down to have it checked out. Your system could be operating poorly, or even unsafely without your knowledge. Not only will an service agreement save you some money on your  energy bill, but it will also prevent any surprise breakdowns. Most homeowners schedule their maintenance once in the Spring and again in the Fall to prevent their system from becoming overworked.